Created by : Ghofran Muhtadi
Last Updated Mon, 21-Oct-2024
- 3 Hours 16 Minutes 43 Seconds
- 10 Sessions
Created by : Ghofran Muhtadi
Last Updated Mon, 21-Oct-2024
If you want to lose weight, all you have to do is to buy this course and start with level 1 which is a low impact cardio sessions..
Do 2-3 sessions per week for GREAT RESULTS
For other days, we recommend you add (Daily Fitness for Health) courses.
This way you will guaranty losing weight, toning muscles, shaping abs and glutes, and relaxing your whole body nerves and muscles!
What are you waiting for? BUY NOW !
You may repeat this course again, and when you feel that you leveled up, don't forget to sign up for (CARDIO FOR INTERMEDIATE - LEVEL 2)
Good Luck !